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Julie D. Burch

The Crazy Cookie Bakers Guide To Holiday Stress

I love baking Christmas cookies. For years I felt like it was my job in my family to do all the baking. Everyone had their favorite and I would bake them all! And I enjoyed it. At first. Then it started to feel, well, different. Like a chore. My Brother wanted walnut puffs, my sister wanted apricot thumbprints, my Mom had to have the Kleiner Danish cookies from my childhood. Everyone would be disappointed if they didn’t get theirs and no one wanted the same thing. I remember the joy I used to feel on baking day. The thought of getting to spend my day in the kitchen baking up batches of deliciousness was Heaven to me. Then life happened. And before I realized it, I went from feeling the excitement of baking to the dread of the time it would take. I started to stress about it, and even complain about it. It became a burden.

I realized that is the challenge we all face during the holidays. So many of us have a Norman Rockwell version of what the holidays should look like in our families and in the real world it rarely measures up. We can feel overwhelmed, disappointed, and just plain stressed. So, what can we do about it? How do we stop the downward spiral and find the joy in this beautiful time of year again?

There are 3 things I have learned to help me enjoy the season. Maybe they will help you too.

1. Enjoy the journey not just the destination. You may only have one day between Thanksgiving and Valentines Day that you have free to put up that Christmas tree, so it feels like an obligation. Remind yourself it is not just about getting the tree up it is about the joy of the process. Spending the time reflecting on Holidays past, loved ones and traditions, and spending time with your family. Maybe the lights won’t be strung in perfect rows or the ornaments aren’t perfectly placed. Who cares. Remind yourself of what really matters.

2. Prioritize what is most important. Sure, we would love to do it all. But let’s be realistic. What are the three most important traditions or things you want to experience this year? And just do those. I do love baking but I am not baking 20 different kinds of cookies. I do 2. That’s it. And I get to enjoy that time again. Maybe you don’t put up all the decorations, maybe you just do some? Maybe you just go to one party not 12? Involve your family in this process and ask them what their favorite thing is and let them each pick one. Not only are you reducing your stress levels, but you are teaching your children the importance of prioritizing and planning as well as reminding them what the season is really all about.

3. Schedule the time to do the most important things to you and your family. That means block the time—put it in your calendar—and commit to it. If it is important enough to you then make the time to do it. It will give you and your loved ones something to count on and to look forward to!

My hope is that this is a reminder of things you have heard before. And just maybe, this time it resonates and will motivate you to try them. It’s not rocket science but it does require you to take action. I believe in you. I hope you believe in you!

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